I have a list of things that I can say have been the easiest part about being married. However, I definitely know what the hardest challenge was: leaving my family. I am extremely close to my mom and reallllllly close to my entire family. My weekends typically consisted of occasional family events, outings with my mom and sister, and Sunday dinner with my great-grandmother, aunts, uncles and cousins. Ahhh!! It was a perfect feeling to which I always looked forward after a long week of school and loads of work. However, I knew that when I got married I wouldn't be able to attend every family event, every outing or every Sunday dinner anymore. Chicago wasn't close enough to North Carolina to simply take a drive to see family. So what was I going to do? How was I supposed to cope with this?
Well, dear heart, let me be honest and tell you that it wasn't and hasn't been easy. I have moments where I cry and really miss my family. I also have moments where I laugh thinking about good times that we've had. And most importantly, I rejoice at knowing that I can take trips to visit them by plane, especially when there's a good deal going on with my favorite airline (*whispers* It's Southwest ;-) However, the biggest comfort came when the Holy Spirit spoke something very clear to me. He told me, "Your CALL is bigger than your COMFORT." Whewww!! Those words have resonated with my spirit since the day they were spoken and constantly serve as my motivation for cleaving to my husband even when I'm not comfortable with the situation of being away from my family.
(Genesis 2: 24 ~ Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.)
I know that my husband is called to Chicago and that the Lord's call on his life is to make an impact in the city of Chicago. In fact, I knew that when we were courting for marriage. Additionally, I know the call on my life is aligned with his. Thus, I desire to minister alongside him and win souls for the Kingdom of GOD! My daily goal is to share the love of Christ with someone and, as Minister Dianna Amacker says, "to increase the population of heaven."
Am I telling you that it's always easy? Absolutely not! But what I am telling you is that if you're in an unusual place or a place of discomfort, you are in a breeding ground for growth. A plant grown from concrete is much more extraordinary and demonstrative of strength and resilience than a plant grown in a pot. Why? because something that grows out of a hard place shows a perseverance like never before and comes out with more maturity.
Don't worry dear heart, it may hurt initially but once you understand that your call is greater than your comfort, it will help you cut the cord. What cord? The umbilical cord. When babies are first born they are connected to their mothers by the umbilical cord. However, at birth, when they can breathe on their own, the doctors cut the cord. Don't become paralyzed by allowing someone to provide nourishment to you that no longer comes from them but from GOD and from his strength IN YOU.
Nuggets to remember:
1) Your call is connected to your spouse's call. You are ONE.
2) Your call is greater than your comfort.
3) Understand that discomfort is the breeding ground for supernatural growth.
4) Realize that the strength that you used to receive from "the cord" now comes from THE CHRIST.
God Bless!
~ CW
Wow that was good.