Saturday, May 9, 2015

#7 ~ Eliminate the Drama

Have you ever been around someone who allllllways had something going on? It's almost as if they thrive off of chaos, conflict and confusion right? If things are going peaceful, they don't feel content until there's some type of drama present. Whew! Isn't it frustrating? Trust me, dear heart. You're not alone and you're not the only person who has experienced this type of frustration. I have learned that some people are so accustomed to drama that they don't know how to experience peace, calm and order.

The interesting part about drama is that even if you try your very best to keep it out of your marriage, it can try to creep its way in. In John 10:10, the Bible tells us that "the thief cometh, so that he may steal, kill and destroy." This "thief" refers to the devil and his tactics to steal your joy, peace and order and to destroy it. His goal is to destroy you, your marriage and your happiness. Therefore, you have to talk hold of it and be steadfast about not letting anything or anyone steal your joy. The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:8 ~ Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. This means you must be aware of his schemes and tactics and take authority against him!

Although my husband and I both LOVE our families, we found that when we got married, we got consumed with what was going on in other people's lives. We wanted so desperately to see our family doing well and cared so much for them that we wanted to fix their situations. We found ourselves talking for hours sometimes about family issues and different circumstance. One night we even got in an argument because someone's situation led us to have different viewpoints and caused drama amongst us. All of sudden, we realized that the drama from that situation had filtered into our home and we were NOT having it. We made a decision that from that point on, we would not allow other people's circumstances to weigh us down so much to the point of becoming chaotic in our home. We realized that what had occurred was a transference of spirits. The spirits of chaos has tried to transfer onto us. Ephesians 6:12 says, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. This verse helps us to stay alert and stay on guard for the spiritual warfare that's among us. 

Typically, we both have very busy schedules during the day as we both work, manage ministry, and for me, complete school work since I am a full-time student as well. When we are constantly going and going and going during the day, we want to finally relax when we get home. I strongly believe that home is a place of refuge and should be a place of rest, relaxation and comfort. After a day of "tornadoes" and "hurricanes," I believe that your home should give you rest after the rain. Now I know that if you have children, you may be saying, "Lady home is hectic and filled with screaming babies and children when I get home." However, even if this is the case, home should still give a sense of peace and comfort that work and daily errands and tasks don't give you. Cherish your sweet place of peace at home and eliminate the unnecessary drama.

Hard times WILL come, disagreements WILL happen and some days WILL be tough. However, it's very important to understand that some problems aren't worth arguing about. There are some issues that instead of being so on edge, learn to appreciate the small things and understand that everything is not worth a big explosion. With some disagreements, my husband and I even learned to laugh them off. It's not always THAT big of a deal that you may be trying to make it. Understand that life is too short and moments are too meaningful to spend every one of them upset, angry, mad or frustrated. Enjoy the moment! Remember my blog post, "Carpe Diem." ;-) 

If you have a loving heart and are compassionate for people and family, it will be hard at times to disengage from what's going on. However, after you offer prayer and serve as a comfort for that person or family member, you have to learn to let it go. Carry those burdens to the Lord and LEAVE THEM THERE. You can't carry people's troubles on your back, neither can you put pressure on yourself to fix them. Unless the Holy Spirit has given you direction and instruction to intervene and help this person or given you resources to change the situation, you can't make yourself responsible. GOD is in control, GOD is sovereign, and GOD is the only one who can fix every situation. Therefore, instead of taking on drama well after the discussion about it is over, eliminate it. When you get home, relax and let it go. Give those burdens to GOD and let him have his way. He loves to take your stressing and turn it into a blessing!

Nuggets to remember:
1) The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy. Don't let him! Be on guard!

2) Keep your home a place of peace, rest and relaxation, and don't allow the drama of others to transfer into your home. 

3) The key to eliminating unnecessary drama is realizing that every issue doesn't warrant an argument. 

4) Understand that you can love others, but don't carry their burdens. Give it to GOD!

God Bless!
~ CW

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