Sunday, May 24, 2015

#2 ~ Do it TOGETHER

Yesterday, I had the pleasure and honor of celebrating my first year anniversary with my Mr. Amazing. We had just arrived back in the US from our honeymoon cruise and would spend most of the day traveling back home to Chicago. However, my husband still asked me if there was anything in particular I wanted to do, and my answer was simple: I just wanted more us time! We decided to go to the local park, pray, praise and worship GOD together, walk and jog around the park together, and reflect on what GOD had done for us in the past year. During this time, we also prayed about our desires of where we felt the Lord was leading us in this next season. In the midst of the jog,  I got a little tired and exhausted and had to go back to walking at times. However, my husband started cheering me on and encouraging me with these words, "I'm right here with you...Come got it! Let's go!" That motivated me like never before! As we came to the end of our jog, my husband said, "You did it babe! You finished strong!" and met it with a huge high-five. All I could do was cry tears of joy because at that moment, the jog became very symbolic to me.

I quickly remembered the days when I would walk around my apartment complex alone and pray, worship GOD and reflect on how marriage would be. I would walk and jog, but then sometimes get discouraged and quickly go back to walking when I felt that I couldn't keep up with the pace. may seem small to you if you're a super athletic person, but for me, it was a big deal. I have danced since the age of 3, participated in cheerleading, and taught I thought I was pretty fit. However, I remember days where I would wonder if I would ever have an encouraging husband to do these walks and jogs with me. Yet, I remembered the Lord encouraging me in those quiet walks/jogs with him and letting me know that I was in his hands. He would whisper to me, "Trust my plan...." When I returned to the present moment, I realized that GOD did that for me! I had just completed the journey with my husband....we did it together around the park and finished strong TOGETHER! We did it together as one and we kept encouraging each other the entire way.  Instantly, the Holy Spirit showed me the importance of doing what he's called you to do and staying focused on the walking life's journey, and doing it TOGETHER. 

No matter what the Lord has called you to do individually and as a couple coming together for his glory, do it TOGETHER. If you know that the Lord has called you to be a Pastor, there's no way that you can connect yourself with someone who wants nothing to do with ministry. Additionally, there's no way that you can go on one path and expect your spouse to do their own thing without you having any knowledge of it, yet desire success and oneness in your marriage. It's not good enough to solely be walking or running, or even jogging on the journey GOD has given you separately and focused. You must be doing it TOGETHER. The Bible says in Amos 3:3 ~ How can two walk together unless they be agreed? It's essential to understand that the journey must be completed with both minds in the same direction with the same desire to follow the journey you as ONE have been given.

Ladies, I know that we often times feel like we have all the answers. Sometimes, we may even feel like we need to be leading the journey because we know best. I've even met women who feel that they can do something separate from their spouse, without their involvement at all, and still receive the blessing of GOD. Now, please understand that I am a huge advocate of you being true to yourself and having your own passions, dreams and goals for your life. For example, if you've always wanted to be an AVON sales representative or consultant, I'm not saying that your husband has to be involved with AVON as well. However, I would hope that you would want to discuss the business decision with your spouse, and receive his support before pursuing the endeavor. Although he may not be selling the products with you, you are both still doing it TOGETHER because you are in agreement. 

The truth is I know it's VERY  hard to go from being an independent woman to being in a position where you have to submit to someone else's leadership. However, GOD prepares us for these moments when he tells us to TRUST HIS PLAN. He prepares us for marriage because we are first married to him, his will and his plan.

We as independent creatures often feel that we know the answers and don't need direction, but GOD is sovereign! He knows all and sees all, so you need his wisdom and his guidance in all things. His word encourages us in Deut. 31:6 when it says, " He will never leave you nor forsake you." He's always with you, so you have no need to fear. (Joshua 1:9) For even when you feel like your journey is unknown and you get tired, discouraged or exhausted in the "jog," it's always encouraging to know that you're not in it alone. Your GOD-given spouse will be right there with you, and you'll be doing it....TOGETHER! 

Nuggets to remember:
1) Cherish those days and moments of singleness. GOD will speak to you and encourage you on those days in quiet times with him. 

2) On your GOD-given journey in marriage, whatever you it together! 

3) Doing it together means being in "one mind" and on one accord.

4) God will never leave you nor forsake you. Trust his plan and trust that your GOD-given spouse is in the journey with're doing it TOGETHER!

God Bless!
~ CW

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