Tuesday, May 12, 2015

#4 ~ Invest!

One of the first things my mother taught me growing up was the importance of budgeting money. My grandmother made my first piggy bank and I would put coins in there with the intention of saving. The next money lesson my mother taught me was the importance of investing in my future. However, she showed me this lesson through her actions. My mother invested in every one of my dreams and aspirations. I wanted to be a cheerleader so she invested in lessons and training. I wanted to dance so she invested in me by paying for and enrolling me in dance classes. From the day I told her I wanted to be a lawyer, she looked for summer camps and opportunities for me to gain legal experience and exposure. She invested in my future by nurturing my gifts and talents, and exposing me to things that would fuel my passion. It was truly a blessing and I am eternally grateful for my mother and the sacrifices she made to make me the woman that I am today.

My mother taught me how important it is to invest in the people you believe in. This principle is essential in marriage. I believe in my husband and his ability to teach, lead and pastor people. Therefore, I'm always seeking books, articles and opportunities for him to engage for him to learn how to perfect his craft and sharpen his gifts. In the same way, my husband knows that I love to minister to young women, and I love to dance and sing praise and worship. Therefore, he seeks opportunities where I can perfect my craft of teaching and sharpen my gift of leading praise and worship.

Despite my school fiasco, which seemed like a disaster at the time, my husband never stopped encouraging me to keep moving forward. From the day I told him the vision GOD gave me and how my degrees would allow me to carry out the vision, my husband was ALL IN! He supported my decision to pursue my MBA in addition to completing my Juris Doctor. He also encouraged me by investing in me and sacrificing so that I could have everything I needed to succeed academically. He would remind me of connections I had made with different business people and told me how I could use their knowledge and experience to further the vision GOD had given me.

In the same way, I often forward articles to my husband that give vital information on becoming an effective leader. I also make suggestions for books that will increase his knowledge. I also make time to listen to his dreams, goals and passions. I invest my time in him. Often times when we hear the word "invest," we think of making a financial investment. However, dear heart, investments go beyond your money. Investments can include your time, your ears to listen, and even your understanding.

Last night, my husband and I went to a Gospel artist event that was held in an intimate setting and included a panel with two artists and two performances. However, the panel discussion was very penetrating as the common theme was "Follow the purpose GOD has for you life." Both artists stated the importance of not just merely following your passion, but being aligned with the will of GOD for you life. Furthermore, they stated the importance of investing in your future by being determined to grind and to be fruitful in what GOD has given you at a particular season. Both discussed how they remembered selling their CDs from their trunk and giving their music away to people so that their sound could penetrate offices, cars, and homes. They also stated how that mentality stays with them even now that they are both signed to a label. I instantly thought about my passion, my purpose and my marriage.

It is essential to be married to the grind of marriage. Marriage takes investment. You must be willing to invest your time, as well as your understanding. After the event last night, my husband and I grabbed a bite to eat and just shared with each other our future plans, goals and dreams. As we sat and listened to each other, it was a blessing to see how I wanted to invest in my husband by pushing him to be the best HIM he could be, and likewise he wanted to push me to pursue all of my talents, gifts and passions. We wanted to invest in each other because we care so much pushing the other to be who GOD has called us to be and help each other walk in our purpose. Because we realize that we are on a team, we understand the importance of helping the other to win.

The worst thing I believe a wife or husband can do is go through the motions of marriage, but never actually invest in their marriage. Make sure that you are reading books about marriage, studying the Word together, attending retreats or conferences if necessary, taking a vacation or some alone time to talk, hanging out with other married couples and etc. Invest in your marriage and work to make it the best possible by feeding it with knowledge, love and nourishment.

I want to end with one of my favorite teachings in the Bible. Jesus teaches in the Bible about the parable of the ten talents.  A man, who is a master, is preparing to leave on a journey and entrusts his possessions to his 3 servants. He distributes his wealth among three servants, apportioned to them on the basis of their abilities. To the first he entrusted five talents, to the second two talents, and to the third one talent. The first two servants quickly set to work with their master’s money by investing it. The third servant did not invest his master’s money at all; he dug a hole in the ground and buried his master’s money. When the master returned, the first two eagerly met their master, apparently delighted in the opportunity to multiply their master’s money. Both were commended as “good and faithful servants”; both were rewarded with increased responsibilities in their master’s service; both were invited to share in their master’s joy. This shows us the reward of investing what the Lord has blessed us with versus having to face consequences of the third servant who was rebuked for being evil and lazy. The master, who symbolizes the Lord, took his talent from him, gave it to the one who earned ten, and cast this fellow into outer darkness, where there was weeping and gnashing of teeth. This shows us the vital importance of investing what GOD gave us versus wasting it and not putting it in a position to gain a return.

The Lord blessed you with your spouse. Therefore, you must be willing to invest in them and help them to produce fruit. For when Christ returns, he desires to come back to a return in his investment in us. Let's make him proud by being fruitful and helping our spouse to do the same. It's all for HIS glory! You need them and they need you to carry out their purpose...so let's get to work.

Nuggets to remember:
1) In order to invest, you must believe in the person you're investing in.

2) Nurture their talents, gifts and craft by seeking opportunities for them to grow.

3) Investing is more than just about money. Invest in your time, your ears to hear and your understanding.

4) The Lord is expecting a return on his investment in YOU. Make him proud by being fruitful.

God Bless!
~ CW


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